Monday, 1 June 2009

Sunday is Jusco day

Yesterday was a busy day!

The day started early as I woke up at 8am. With 7 people in a Prado, we drove north to johore for a day trip! Brunch was good. Their kuay teow is DAMN GOOD!!

After eating, we drove to Jusco. Shopping was gooood! It's not the Jusco I went previously(which was much bigger and more variety). BUT, it doesn't matter cos I got what I want! I got lingeries, a really nice pair of pants, a top, and a shoe. Buying lingeries in m'sia is so much more value for money! And it's not some unknown brand, it's Triumph I'm talking about. So quality wise, there is still some standard :)

When we were done with shopping, it was swimming time at the country club! But no, I didnt swim, thou I wished I did. I was burning from Saturday's sentosa trip. So, while my cousin and my aunt and uncle swam, the rest of us sat by the poolside snacking. The weather is freaking humid! It doesnt matter if it's sunny. But if the air is still, it's just SO BAD. Couldnt take it so I went to the library with my mom for some aircon! Anws, I really love snacking. Thou exam's over, I can't seem to stop snacking! That day at Sentosa, I finished a whole packet of twisties all by myself. Then yesterday, I ate durian, fish crackers, chestnuts, icecream, and LOTS of random things. I love eating! Hahahah.

After that, we went Giant for some grocery shopping, and then it was dinner time. Dinner was back at the country club in the chinese restaurant. Food was GOOD and I love the sze chuan soup and sze chuan pancake! Really yummilicious :D

Hmm ok I think this is a boring post. And no pictures cos no one remembered to bring the cammie! Okay I shall continue with my job search now. Job hunting is boring!

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