Friday, 5 June 2009

Home alone

I am fretting over what to prepare for potluck later. Becos. I have absolutely no ingredients at home! (except for maggi mee, campbell soup, and button mushrooms). Okays decided to meet Andy for grocery shopping at simei and then we shall go his place to prepare! Hmm should have got the ingredients ready last night since we were at Ikea but how am I to know that my friend would pangsei me today! Hahaha owells nvm at least I spent that additional free time for some me-time which was GREAT. hahaa okayss.

Oh yes did I mention, Waraku Pasta ROCKS BIG TIME. I just love japanese pasta la! And every other japanese food (sashimiiii!!!). Love it that most japanese food are fairly healthy. That's good :) Ok waraku pasta. I had vongole and I absolutely adore white wine sauce. I'm not so much of a cream sauce or greentea person, but cheryl's macha cream vongole was good too! Looking at the wide array of choice in the menu made our minds fickle. Spoilt for choice!! I swear I must go back again to try the rest hahah. And yes the food reminds me of cooking mama hahah.

Nothing much gg on in life thou exam's over. I guess it's just the excitement of not having to study anymore. I still have my plans thou. And execution is a MUST. So super sian cos it has been a week since my interview at SMRT and I think the chances of getting the job is slim :((((( I hope a miracle comes into my life.

But, I'm anticipating my eventful weekend. Don't wanna be tied down by the woes and I should be facing my obstacles positively *nods. Oh wells, words are just words. I'm glad there's BO for the top I was eyeing and it does make my day slightly happier haha!

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