Sunday, 24 May 2009

178th Post

Oh gosh I am so bored! No my exams are NOT over. I am just so bored with all the studying and the loooong break in between papers. I am swinging between being stressed and the relaxing attitude every minute - it's driving me crazeeee.

Recently I have been snacking a lot and it has distrupted my meal times. But I really need to snack while studying I realised. It's like studying and snacking share a positive correlation, not a linear one but one that's proportional. 1 unit increase in studying relates to 2 units increase in snacking. I don't know about the directionality, but I can conclude that there's a strong relationship. Wow I am applying what I am reading. That's good.

Oh and on a side note, my bro left for his European backpack trip this morning. I AM SO JEALOUS.

Okay my 22nd. It was an extremely busy day. Party world after exams!

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