Friday, 24 April 2009

fat-ing in progress

Argh!! I feel so uncomfortable. I'm getting fatttt from all these shittt! My tummy's becoming like a growing mountain and I HATE IT. I hope all these studying(and snacking) can end soon so I will be rid of all the bad eating habits! And of cos more time for working out. It's so weird how last year I go to the gym at least twice a week during exam period but I just cant get my lazy ass into the gym now.

I can't stand it! I want to slim down. Healthy and regular diet please. Strictly no snacks. I am jealous of pple who can forget their meals cos they're too busy/engrossed in doing sth. Becos I am simply the opposite!

Oh yeah and I think my weighing scale is spoilt! Cos obviously I am not that light, and havent been that light since sec1. So it's totally atrocious. I need to get an accurate scale lest I live in denial for too long.

I got myself malibu dream from coffeebean just now!! Yet another indulgence. I am so contradicting. But it's really damn nice.

So sick of studying now. Can't get myself motivated enough. What should I do? :(( One month will pass really soon. Come to think of it I have less than 3 weeks left before MM. Goshhhh. I am so stressed out and mini pimples are growing on my forehead.

I so wanna go shopping. I so wanna shop online! :(( I wanna buy make up cos supplies are running low and I realise I can't really face the world sans make up. Foundation is like a part of me. I wanna have a holiday and never to let it end.

But whatever it is, someone please be my guiding light, hold my hand and lead me on becos I want and need to:

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